age = 15
citisenship= True
if citisenship and age >=18: #Checks conditions
print(You are able to vote)
print(You are not able to vote) #If conditions not met

#Define a function to calculate the updated salary based on years of service
def calculate_updated_salary(current_salary, years_of_service):
    if years_of_service > 5:
        new_salary = current_salary * 1.05  # Increase the salary by 5% if service is greater than 5 years
        return new_salary
        return current_salary  # Keep the current salary if service is 5 years or less
#Input the current salary from the user
current_salary = float(input(Enter current salary: ))
#Input the number of years of service from the user
years_of_service = int(input(Enter the number of years you have serviced the company: ))
#Calculate the new salary
new_salary = calculate_updated_salary(current_salary, years_of_service)
#Check if the salary has changed and print the appropriate message
if new_salary != current_salary:
    print(Your updated salary is: $” + str(new_salary))
    print(No change in your salary. Your current salary is: $” + str(current_salary))
test_score = int(input(Please enter your test score: ))
grade = “”
if test_score < 25:
    grade = F
elif test_score >= 25 and test_score <= 45:
    grade = E
elif test_score > 45 and test_score <= 50:
    grade = D
elif test_score > 50 and test_score <= 60:
    grade = C
elif test_score > 60 and test_score <= 80:
    grade = B
    grade = A
print(Your grade is:, grade)

#Code checks each domain to see if the grade fits