This trimester, I learned the basics of coding. We went over the simplest elements of Python, Javascript, and HTML and put it all to a practical application. We started the tri off by working in duos to hone our individual skills. After collaborating on these, we formed a larger group for the biggest project of the tri. My group was me, Tanuj, Chris, and Tarun. We started the design of our recipe finding site, and I was in charge of the frontend design. We also did a team teach where we taught randomization, and algorithmmic development. As a whole, this trimester was filled with collaboration and solo work. We each did our own parts to contribute to the bigger picture. Some positive accomplishments I have had include designing a good looking webpage, and workign on the searchbar for it. An opportunity for growth I have is being more consistent and organized wioth my commits, rather than doing it all at once. One thing that I would be interested in learning is how to create my own backend, as I did not go that in depth in that. I learned how to collaborate on a coding project, while learning the skills myself. I know that these skills will be useful in the future as I go into college and career.