Command Use
sudo Provides an efficient way to temporarily grant users or user groups privileged access to system resources so that they can run commands that they cannot run under their regular accounts
pip Package manager for Python that is used to install, upgrade, or remove Python packages
git A version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development
cd Change directory
ln Stands for “link”. It is used to create links between files. There are two types of links that ln can create: Hard Links, which create a new file entry (directory entry) for the same inode as the original file; and Symbolic Links (symlinks), which point to another file or directory by its pathname
ls Used to list files and directories in the current directory or specified directories. It also gives detailed information about files such as permissions, ownership, size, and modification date
mkdir Creates a new directory
rm Removes (deletes) files or directories
cp Copies files or directories from one location to another
mv Moves files or directories from one location to another
touch Creates an empty file with the specified name
grep Searches for patterns in text files
cat Concatenates files and prints the output
chmod Changes the permissions of a file or directory
chown Changes the owner and/or group of a file or directory
df Displays information about the disk space usage
du Displays disk usage statistics for files and directories
find Searches for files and directories in a directory hierarchy
tar Archives files and directories into a single file
unzip Extracts files from a ZIP archive
top Displays information about processes and resource usage
ps Displays information about currently running processes
kill Terminates processes by sending signals
ssh Connects to a remote server securely using the SSH protocol
scp Securely copies files between hosts on a network
wget Downloads files from the internet
curl Transfers data from or to a server